Hash Recipes and Tips⚓︎
Based on https://www.washingtonpost.com/food/2021/01/25/hash-recipes-and-tips/
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Use what you have on hand. Great for leftover ingredients
- 1/2 stick unsalted butter or 1 tbsp olive or vegetable oil
- (optional) 1.5 cups fingerling or yukon gold potatoes, steamed until tender then cut into 1/2” dice (or cubed then microwaved for 4-6 min)
- sweet, white, or yellow potatoes or winter squash
- couscous and rice also work
- (optional) 1 cup (2 ounces) button mushrooms, small dice
- (optional) medium red onion, small dice
- (optional) red bell pepper, small dice
- (optional) broccoli, asparagus, carrot, etc.
- salt and pepper
- (optional) 1/8 teaspoon finely grated lemon zest
- (optional) paprika, cinnamon, or other spices depending on ingredients
- egg (fry or poach)
- Ensure that all of the ingredients are pre-cooked. Vegetables can be cooked in water or broth or softened in a microwave. Make sure to cut into small cubes
- Use a cast iron skillet to get the best crisp and heat all of the ingredients on medium-high heat until warm and slightly browned
- Add the quicker-cooking ingredients last and cook the egg.